Using Liquid Phase Method to Produce Molybdenum Disulfide
- Details
- Category: Molybdenum knowledge
- Published on 13 January 2016
- Written by yiping
- Hits: 628
Liquid phase method including precipitation, hydrothermal and solvothermal method, different methods exist significant differences in process step, sulfide raw material consumption, waste and water emissions. The main features of the liquid phase method are low cost of production, large production yield, high purity and controllable form. Besides, molybdenum disulfide can be prepared in different functional requirements. However, the requirements of liquid phase method for raw materials requirement are high, and the resulting product is easy reunion.
Production molybdenum disulfide by precipitation method- Making molybdenum sulfide reacts with molybdenum salt to produce insoluble molybdenum trisulfide. Then after precipitation, pyrolysis or reduction can obtain molybdenum disulfide. Using precipitation to produce molybdenum disulfide, the reaction process is simple, easy operation, low cost, high yield, which is suitable for industrial production.
Production molybdenum disulfide by Hydrothermal method- the reaction of hydrothermal method is happen in sealed special containers, under high temperature, pressure conditions and other conditions, and water-soluble molybdenum sulfide reacts with molybdenum disulfide salt formation in water to produce water-insoluble molybdenum-disulfide. This method can generate products directly, greatly reducing or avoiding the formation of hard agglomerates. What’s more, the hydrothermal method has shorter process steps, simple equipment requirement, easy operate, less sulfide material consumption, smaller particle size and other advantages. In addition, the obvious advantages of it are eliminating exhaust gas containing hydrogen sulfide.
Production molybdenum disulfide by Solvothermal method - This method is based on the hydrothermal method, but organic solvent instead of water. Due to the diversity of organic solvents, lower boiling point and different dielectric constant, polarity, viscosity, etc., depending on the different solvent system and the target product can design new synthetic routes, expanding the scope of application of the hydrothermal method.
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