Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) Development History
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- Category: Molybdenum knowledge
- Published on 11 January 2016
- Written by yiping
- Hits: 557
In 1970, Japanese Eiji Osawa correctly drew the structure of C60 in Chemical magazine, but people didn’t pay much attention on it. In 1985, R. E. Smallzye form Rice Univ USA and H. W. Kroto first time found 60 carbon atoms in atomic cluster and published the research results in Nature, announced the third allotrope of C60 had been found. In 1991, Dr. Iijimas from Japan NEC Electronics Corporation used high resolution transmission electron microscopy observed graphite which evaporated by arc and there formed hard sediment in graphite electrode. After that they found hollow carbon nano tube in coaxial cylinder which formed by graphite sheet rolled up. In 1992, R. Tenne research team found WS2 nano particles and nano tube of fullerne structure, has kicked off the inorganic fullerene (IF) nano-materials research, In 1993, the scientist used the same method to synthesis IF-MoS2 nano particles and nano tube. In 2004, Andre Geim and Konstantin of Novoselov Manchester University successful separated graphene. So they in 2011 won Nobel Prize for physics for two dimensions materials graphene researching. After that there are many researches and reports about molybdenum disulfide (WoS2) have been published and it is expected that MoS2 has large application fields. For example, using molybdenite material can produce semiconductor or produce smaller or higher property microelectronic chip which will use in next generation of nano electronic devices and it has more advantages than silicon material or IF material.
The hot research issue of Molybdenum disulfide is MoS2 production and application property which includes nano IF-MoS2, nano-sphere, nano-cluster, nano-fiber, nano-tube, nano-compounds, nano-films and other products. At the present, nano MoS2 synthetic method can not deal with reunion problems which cause by large particle size and surface energy of MoS2. On the other hand, nano MoS2 is easily oxidizable in the air and it hard to disperse in the non-polar oil. So there are a lots of research work should continue about improving MoS2’s surface modification. The application of MoS2 in lubricant and lubricating additives is more concentrate. However, in catalyst, photoeletricity and various composite materials should do further researches.
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