Fill The Gaps Accelerate The LED Process of Nationalization of Key Equipment

At present, China's LED industry to use Sapphire Dan Changjing devices are basically imported from abroad , still controlled by others. The large-size sapphire Dan Changjing equipment and long TXC  Sapphire Dan Changjing furnace surgery to overcome , not only can bring huge economic benefits for the industry , but also to fill the domestic blank in this technology , accelerate the LED process of nationalization of key equipment , let China among the world's advanced technology related fields States ranks.

In addition, because Sapphire is the world's second high hardness ( ranked only after diamond ) of the material , which makes it inherently suitable as a wear-resistant material that can be used for anti-friction bearings , glasses, smart phone screens. But because sapphire is expensive, not widely used . The Sapphire Dan Changjing technology breakthroughs, will sapphire very significantly reduce the cost of production , so that the sapphire into the civilian as possible, will promote the use of sapphire in civilian areas . This is the state and society are of great significance.

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