Molybdenite Improving Digital Camera Technology
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- Category: Molybdenum's News
- Published on 09 July 2013
- Hits: 531
The efficiency of that process depends on how much light is required to set off the charge. By using molybdenite as a replacement for silicon, the EPFL team has been able to create a “prototype of an image sensor” that has “five times the light sensitivity of current technology.”
If EPFL’s work continues successfully, it could lead to the development of digital cameras that are five times more sensitive to light than those available at the moment. Such cameras “would open up the huge area of low-light or night photography.
Without resorting to ‘noise’-generating amplification techniques, slowing down the shutter speed or using a flash,” R&D Magazine states. Put more simply, they would enable people to take photographs using only starlight, Kis told the publication.
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