Molybdenum Powder Price - September 18, 2024

TZM rods photo Chinese molybdenum market remained stable, with limited fluctuations in product prices as the market resumed after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. Many traders showed low enthusiasm for market participation, contributing to a cautious atmosphere.

Today, the prices for molybdenum concentrate, ferromolybdenum, and molybdenum powder held steady at approximately 3,730 yuan/tonne, 241,000 yuan/tonne, and 445 yuan/kg, respectively.

Notably, the recent decline in international molybdenum prices and the strong price-cutting pressure from steel companies are key factors hindering the domestic molybdenum market from heating up. However, due to production cost support, suppliers are reluctant to offer discounts.

On the news front, data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that in August, China's crude steel output was 77.92 million tonnes, down 10.4% year-on-year; pig iron output was 68.14 million tonnes, down 8.8%; and steel product output was 110.9 million tonnes, down 6.5%. From January to August, cumulative crude steel output reached 691.41 million tonnes, down 3.3% year-on-year; pig iron output was 577.7 million tonnes, down 4.3%; and steel product output reached 92.573 million tonnes, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%.

Prices of molybdenum products on September 18, 2024

Chinese molybdenum powder price photo

Picture of TZM rods 

TZM rods photo

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