Chinese Molybdenum Price - June 21, 2024

molybdenum electrodes image This week, Chinese molybdenum price as a whole showed a high-level weak trend, mainly due to the gradual exhaustion of favorable factors in the market and the fact that the steel bidding volume and price have not yet increased. 

At the beginning of the week, supported by the sharp rise in international molybdenum prices, domestic molybdenum raw material suppliers tentatively raised their quotations. However, due to the fact that downstream demand did not follow up as expected and the international molybdenum price fell, the prices of domestic molybdenum products also fell to varying degrees near the weekend.

According to statistics from China Tungsten Intelligent Manufacturing, the current price of ferromolybdenum has dropped by about 3,000 yuan/ton compared with last week, a decrease of 1.19%; the price of molybdenum concentrate has dropped by about 20 yuan/ton compared with last week, a decrease of 0.51%; the price of molybdenum oxide has dropped by about 20 yuan/ton compared with last week, a decrease of 0.50%; the price of sodium molybdate has dropped by about 1,000 yuan/ton compared with last week, a decrease of 0.57%; the price of ammonium heptamolybdate has dropped by about 1,000 yuan/ton compared with last week, a decrease of 0.42%; the price of molybdenum powder has dropped by about 5 yuan/kg compared with last week, a decrease of 0.50%.

Prices of molybdenum products on June 21, 2024

Chinese molybdenum price image

Picture of molybdenum electrodes 

molybdenum electrodes image

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