China Ferro Molybdenum Price - Nov. 14, 2019

ferro molybdenum image Molybdenum market quotation in China: the latest prices of molybdenum concentrate and molybdenum powder edge lower while ferro molybdenum price keeps stable. Although market inquiry increases, insiders have different views towards the outlook. 

Some people believed that molybdenum prices may stop declining and start to bottom out while others considered prices are expected to drop without the boost from policy side. 

Firstly, with the gradual reduction of spot stocks, some manufacturers have already consumed the previous inventory, so steel mills have entered the bidding for ferromolybdenum. The market activity has increased slightly, and the traders' mentality has been flat. Secondly, the downstream users have received enthusiasm for taking goods. The increase has led to a slight increase in the trading volume of raw materials, which has reduced the pressure on mining companies. Thirdly, in the context of a prolonged market economy, the midstream enterprises are under pressure and face a risk of large cost profits. Some merchants choose to limit the speed of capacity release in order to reduce inventory pressure.

Prices of molybdenum products on Nov. 14, 2019

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Picture of ferro molybdenum

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