Intersting Element -Molybdenum

Although the element molybdenum is chemically stable, it will react with acids. What makes molybdenum interesting is its high melting point--4,730 degrees F--which is 2,000 degrees hotter than steel's melting point. It is also 1,000 degrees higher than the melting point of most rocks. Though molybdenum is a "heavy metal," its properties differ from typical heavy metals, such as mercury, thallium and lead. Primarily, it is much less toxic, making its use more attractive.

Molybdenum got its name from molybdenite, which in turn had its name derived from the Greek "molybdos" which means "lead." The misunderstanding began in 1778 when Carl William Scheele was studying molybdenite, thinking he was studying lead. After naming the mineral and deciding it was not lead after all, he later hypothesized the mineral contained some other, yet unknown element--which he named "molybdenum." Then, in 1781, Peter Hjelm discovered the element Scheele had proposed.
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