Brief Introduction to Molybdenum Trioxide , 2013 - I

molybdenum trioxideTransition metal oxides such as molybdenum trioxide, MoO3, and tungsten trioxide, WO3, have drawn much attention due to their variety of crystalline phases and their inherent chromogenic properties. These oxides are useful in the fabrication and development of electrochromics, electronic information displays, batteries, optical memory devices, and in sensor device technology

Recently, research efforts have been focused on the synthesis and characterization of two- and onedimensional structures such as ultra-thin films, nano-rods, nano-belts and nano-fibers , which exhibit properties quite different from the bulk properties of the materials

It is well known that the particular phase of nano-structured MoO3 is highly dependent on the synthetic route. Molybdenum trioxide exhibits five polymorphs. In addtion to the thermodynamically stable orthorhombic α-MoO3 with a peculiar 2D layered structure , four metastable polymorphs have been discovered. The β-MoO3 and β’-MoO3 modifications are monoclinically distorted variants of the 3D ReO3 structure . The high-pressure modification MoO3-II produces a specific monoclinic (P21/m) phase.

Like the α-MoO3.structure, the structure of MoO3-II is layered. In fact,the individual MoO3/3O2/2O1/1 layers of the two phases are virtually identical. However, the stacking sequence of the layers of MoO3-II (aaa) differs from that of α-MoO3 (aba). This is equated with an improved packing efficiency for the layers of MoO3-II versus those of α-MoO3. The hexagonal phase h-MoO3 (P63/m or P63) allows a versatile intercalation chemistry with interesting chemical, electrochemical, electronic and catalytic properties . Nano-sized molybdenum powders can beproduced by using this phase as precursor .


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